TPH Racing does the Giro d’Italia!

As we all probably know, the Giro d’Italia has started. An Individual TT Prologue got things going. A mere 8km. So what’s the fuss? Well the last 2 km are straight up. Up a wall. A wall of 10% average and 16% at max. Nice.

What you may not know is that us mere mortals can ride that Prologue stage. Zwift have recreated it exactly on their virtual riding/racing platform and for the first 3 days of the Giro you can pit yourself against the Pros (and your ride buddies). Being a “non-competitive” bunch, some of TPH Racing have given it a nudge with the remainder of the team being “nudged” to give it a go also!

As it stands Rob has bragging rights, but with Adam, Stu, Alex and Molly still to have a dig and with Keeds giving it another go will he stay on top?

If you are on Zwift, give it a go yourself. There’s one common words to everybody’s description of the stage. “Brutal”. The hardest 8 km you’ll ever ride? You decide.
